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In September 2008 the Republican Party descended upon the Twin Cities for the RNC / Republican National Convention in their final fling to espouse the failed policies that have exposed the United States - as stated clearly by Dr Martin Luther King, whom we supposedly honor but in fact ignore - as the worst purveyor of violence on Earth. Local and national activists, organizations and Independent Media were also there to remind the world of the crimes commited by the Bush administration, demand accountability, the restoration of the Rule of Law and No 3rd Term for Bush proxy, John McCain. They were met with FBI infiltration, agent provocateurs, illegal searches, preemptive arrests, mass detentions, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, concussion grenades and a comprehensive mass media smear campaign of lies and distortions that would make Karl Rove proud. Click here to watch or listen.
In August 1989 Troy Davis surrendered to authorities, was incarcerated, convicted and sentenced to death for murder. He has been on Death Row ever since. There was no physical evidence connecting him to the crime - no fingerprints, no DNA, no powder burns and no murder weapon. But on the testimony of nine witnesses - some of whom were threatened with charges against them or otherwise coerced by police - he was found guilty. The murder weapon - a handgun - was never recovered or produced in court. Seven of these witnesses have since recanted or substantially altered their testimony. Can you spell r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e d-o-u-b-t? Troy's time is running out. He is on his 3rd stay of execution. He needs a new trial and we all need not a legal system which buries prosecutorial misconduct and promotes procedural consistency for its own sake, but a system of justice who's ultimate purpose is to seek truth and protect the rights of all. Standing Up Against
Hate Speech In an environment of increasing media consolidation controlled by fewer and fewer - and bloodier and bloodier - hands, abusive language is the rule rather than the exception with the most broadly syndicated right wing talk radio programming. But this lunatic fringe has penetrated further into mainstream media with the increasingly vituperative language heard among reactionary network pundits and epitomized by CNN's Lou Dobbs' rants on immigration - and the platform that he offers to those with even more virulent racist and violent associations. This panel brings together several experts to discuss the circumstances and available alternatives to this roiling cauldron of not only hate speech, but calls to action to unleash violence against those who are degraded and maligned for financial gain and political positioning via fear mongering. IMPEACH! Grant County Peace Coalition / 4th of July Parade 2007 / Silver City, NM Grant County Peace Coalition has participated in the Grant County 4th of July Parade since 2004 - the year following Shock & Awe and the start of the Bush / Cheney, and thus, tragically, America's criminal War of Aggression against Iraq. In the 2007 parade, GCPC focused their mesage on a single word - IMPEACH! Despite the voluminous evidence and outright admissions of law breaking by Bush, the Congress continues to refuse to perform it's sworn duty to defend the constitution and Bush, Cheney, et al continue to violate the law and undermine the institutions of democracy - with one exception... Festival of Hope / 2 In support of Mary Burton Riseley, Betsy Lamb and Father Jerry Zawada On Sunday 18 November 2007 - following quite literally in the footsteps of Fathers Louie Vitale and Steve Kelly - Mary Burton Riseley, Betsy Lamb & Father Jerry Zawada crossed the line at Ft Huachuca to demand an end to torture by the US military and the Bush administration. Their act of conscience resulted in their arrest and trial on charges of tresspass, failure to yield to orders to halt, and conspiracy - combined convictions having a potential sentence of years in a federal penitentiary. Media
Reform & Social Change The 2008 NCMR / National Conference for Media Reform convened in Minneapolis - site of the upcoming Republican Convention - from June 6-8 to address a broad variety of media deficiencies which are threatening the very fabric of democracy. In a panel titled Media Reform & Social Change, prominent and emerging activists discussed the media landscape and the methods by which they navigate in the hostile environment known as mainstream media. Cliff / Gila Farm Bureau Candidate Forum / 22 May 2008 With about 10 days to go before the New Mexico primary, candidates for local offices on the Grant County Commission, NM State Senator, NM State Representative and District Attorney, gathered before a small but engaged audience at the newly constructed Cliff / Gila Farm Bureau building. LULAC / League of United Latin
American Citizens In April 2008, LULAC's NM Chapter held it's statewide convention in Silver City, NM and national and state leaders of LULAC addressed a range of issues including, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, The Border Wall, No Child Left Behind, Federal Hiring Policies, The DREAM Act, ICE Raids, and Incarceration of Children and Separation of Families. In addition to the networking, reports and workshops, Congressman Tom Udall addressed the convention and respond to comments and questions from the floor on his candidacy for the US Senate. Have You Been Served? Long notorious for accusations of cronyism, secrecy, intimidation and a Climate of Fear - WNMU is now feeling increasing pushback from citizens, faculty, LULAC / League of United Latin American Citizens, candidates and rank and file of the Grant County Democratic Party and in it's last two Board of Regents meetings, from Juan Jose Pena, chairman of Mesa Redonda Hispana de Nuevo Mexico - The NM Hispano Round Table or HRT. Grant County Progressives Candidate Forum On 30 April 2008, with the NM primary election looming on the horizon, The Grant County Progressives presented a candidate forum featuring the NM 2nd US Congressional District hopeful Bill McCamley and 4 of the 8 contenders for 2 seats on the Grant County Commission at the historic Silco Theater in Beautiful Downtown Silver City, NM. Could this be the year that Progressives have a majority on the Grant County Commission? Bill McCamley / CD2 and the Issues Bill McCamley is a Las Cruces Democrat seeking the NM Congressional District 2 seat in the US House of Representatives. CD2 has been one of the safest seats in the country and the "property" of the Republican Party after 22 years of Skeen and 6 of Stevan Pearce, one of the most right wing members of either house who is now seeking Domenici's seat in the Senate. McCamley is running a positive, energetic and largely progressive campaign. Is Southern New Mexico really ready for change? Certainly, the progressive base in Grant County is as evidenced in this informal gathering in Silver City at the local crossroads and caffeination station, Javalina. Media Reform, Media Justice & the Legacy of Martin Luther King In January 2007, NCMR / The National Conference for Media Reform, convened in Memphis, TN - the hallowed ground upon which The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. This panel brings together accomplished media and civil rights scholars and activists and veterans to discuss the relationship of the media to the struggle for civil rights and social justice and the unique role that Dr King played in focusing the eye of American media on "The Negro Problem" and finally forcing the fundamental change that America avoided for centuries. Noam Chomsky IRC 25th Anniversary Celebration In January 2005 IRC / International Relations Center celebrated it's 25th anniversary in Santa Fe, NM. Noam Chomsky, who served on the board of IRC for more than 15 years, was the guest of honor. PMO / Property Maintenance Ordinance This Grant County Commission may be capable of even greater incompetence but they'll really have to work hard to exceed this - Ordinance 07-04 - the Grant County Property Maintenance Ordinance, or as so many have come to affectionately refer to it, the PMO. The Peter Principle states: An observation: In a hierarchy employees tend to rise to the level of their incompetence. On 19 Mars 2008, a vigil was held in Silver City, like others in hundreds of cities and towns across the country. On this same day in 2003, the Bush Regime assaulted Iraq with Shock & Awe. There were few signs, no shouting, and what was said was punctuated by silences as we contemplated our future in a country that has been plunged into an abyss. Dr Sherri Burr / International Relations in a Post 911 World Late in February, Dr Sherri Burr, professor of law at UNM visited WNMU to speak on the topic "International Relations in a Post 911 World." With the Security Council as the final arbiter in the primary international body, the Bush administration has used its influence, veto, and ultimately its capacity for coercion by diplomatic, economic and, ultimately, military means to make impotent any attempt to hold them accountable before the UN. No C-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-c-e / WNMU Faculty Senate Spells it Out In the last two Board of Regents meetings, Faculty Senate President Tom Gruszka made very compelling arguments to move the administration and Regents toward serious efforts to address faculty salaries and other issues. In the meantime, a Vote of No Confidence, long a simmering possibility among WNMU faculty, has finally come to a boil naming Chris Farren - Vice President of Student Affairs - but with obvious overtones of a dissatisfaction with President John Counts as well. Festival of Hope / 1 On Sunday 18 November 2007 - following quite literally in the footsteps of Fathers Louie Vitale and Steve Kelly - Mary Burton Riseley, Betsy Lamb & Father Jerry Zawada crossed the line at Ft Huachuca to demand an end to torture by the US military and the Bush administration. Their act of conscience resulted in their arrest and trial on charges of tresspass, failure to yield to orders to halt, and conspiracy - combined convictions having a potential sentence of years in a federal penitentiary. Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space is an international alliance who's name says it all. They work with activists worldwide to increase public awareness of the peril of the new arms race in the heavens and the imperial intentions of the United States to dominate space and, in turn, dominate all others on earth - and all the world's resources. Bruce Gagnon is a long time activist, author, social critic & Secretary / Coordinator of Global Network. He returns to NM - ground zero for US nuclear weapons development - almost every year and joined us on 7 February 2008 to speak at the historic Silco theater in beautiful downtown Silver City. Carlos Mauricio On Torture, Survival & The Stop Impunity Project Carlos Mauricio is a native of El Salvador, university professor and survivor of torture. In 1983 - as the Reagan Dirty Wars raged throughout Central America - Carlos Mauricio was abducted in broad daylight from his classroom in the University of El Salvador by a US sponsored Death Squad and tortured for 9 days before his discovery by the International Red Cross led to his release. Carlos shares his story and current efforts in a growing international movement to bring justice and accountabiility to torturers and war criminals. Torture Then and Now w/ Fr Peter Hinde Buff Bradley Southwest Weekend of Witness brought together activists and citizens seeking social justice to a Teach-In in Tucson, AZ and demonstration at the gates of Fort Huachuca to demand an end to the heinous US policy of torture and to the Bush War of Terror in the Middle East. Father Peter Hinde and activist Buff Bradley speak on the recent uses of torture by the US government and its genesis from the time Columbus set foot in the Western Hemispere. Senator Bernie Sanders & Van Jones The National Conference for Media Reform / NCMR convened in January 2007 and brought together thousands of media activists, government officials and concerned citizens to raise their voices as one to demand media reform and a return to the primacy of the public interest in media policy. Bernie Sanders & Van Jones are two of the most articulate and impassioned voices addressing the range of media reform issues. What Is This Stuff? / A conversation w/ Rusty Dobkins On Monday 7 January 2008 a storm blew in out of the Southwest across Grant County delivering heavy rains which left a milky residue on windows, cars, pets, roofs, lawns and all else. Rusty Dobkins has been leading the local effort to determine What Is This Stuff? aside from being a desirable goal, is a coalition of public interest and social justice organizations seeking to educate the public AND our governor and legislators on the need - and the opportunity - to institute a program of universal health care that meets criteria that truly serve ALL New Mexicans. So what's not to like about this? Nothing except the 500 lb gorilla in the room - a hydra with heads of the insurance companies, big pharma, and every other blood sucking hack in the Medical Industrial Complex, plus, of course, our Governor with his "Massachusetts" style plan have a different agenda. is a grassroots citizen action organization that workingfor the removal and dismantling of 1,914 nuclear weapons currently in storage at Kirtland Air Force Base in immediate proximity to a population of 700,000 and New Mexico's primary watershed and corridor of development - the Rio Grande valley. Bob Anderson, Jeanne Pahls and Andrew Markham visited Silver City recently as part of an ongoing tour of the state to inform NM residents of the danger of having the worlds 3rd largest arsenal of nuclear weapons sitting at Kirtland and the implications for Albuquerque, the state of New Mexico and the world. Town & Gown... II The Town & Gown is a tardy response to WNMU's notorious lack of communication and studied indifference to community concerns. Arts & Culture are great but criticism from outside accreditation sources are believed to have prompted their recent charm offensive. SWW 1 / Southwest Weekend of Witness Southwest Weekend of Witness took place 17 & 18 November 2007 in Tucson and at the gates of Ft Huachua, AZ - home of the Army Intelligence Center and school for interrogators in the war on terror. Rev John Fife & Dr Kathy Norgard addressed the Teach In on the moral & psychological aspects of the Bush Administration's horrifying, shaneful and criminal record of torture as an instrument of policy. Eco Village at Ithaca / Pioneering a Sustainable Culture Liz Walker is author of the highly acclaimed and widely recognized Eco Village at Ithaca / Pioneering a Sustainable Culture and Executive Director of this groundbreaking and visionary project in sustainability and cohousing. Mary Burton Riseley / Conscience
& Consequence Mary Burton Riseley is a resident of Gila, NM, a Quaker, peace activist, and depending upon the outcome of her pending trial, she may be an inmate in a federal penitentiary for up to 16 months. On 18 November 2007 Mary ran the gauntlet at Ft Huachuca - the Army Intelligence Center - to demand an end to the training in, and practice of, torture by the US military and intelligence community. She was arraigned in Tucson on 4 December by the same judge that recently sentenced Fathers Vitale and Kelly to stints in federal prisons for their similar actions at last year's demonstration. Global Information & Communications Policy This panel from the 2007 NCMR / National Conference for Media Reform brought together principals in media and consumer protection fields from four continents to discuss how they promote and expand freedom of expression, and access to information that can improve the lives of, and advance social justice for, billions of people throughout the world. Elna Otter / The Climate Project Elna Otter is a Tucson area resident and long time activist. She recently attended and received training at Al Gore's The Climate Project and numbers among more than a 1,000 who are now using slides and data used in the film to spread the word - and the science - of Climate Change. Joel Glanzberg / Context
Matters Environmental designer Joel Glanzberg's presentation in Silver City on sustainable building design and the related issues of resource efficiency, water management, and comprehensive considerations of the impact of human activities. Robert McChesney & Marc Crispin Miller Esteemed university professors, authors and activists - critique government failure to regulate rich corporations, thereby allowing media consolidation to undermine democracy and ignore the public interest. Southwest Weekend of Witness Father Louis Vitale and Rev Steve Kelly are both featured in this documentary and have both been recently sentenced to terms in a federal penitentiary for their actions at this event - attempting to deliver a letter of protest against torture and other unconscionable Bush regime policies - to Maj General Barbara Fast. Jerry Wharton is an activist and one of the organizers of SOA Watch Tucson - a support group for the acclaimed human right s advocates School of the Americas Watch. RFS! interviews Jerry and brings you exclusive footage of the anti-torture demonstration at the gates of Ft Huachuca, home of the Army Intelligence training program. On November 17th & 18th 2007, Radio Free Silver! will again document the protestat Ft Huachuca in conjunction with the annual protest at the gates of Ft Benning, GA. Visit Southwest Witness.org - the event website - for event details The Sanctuary Experience / A Conversation w/ Dorothy Pine Dorothy Pine and her dear late husband, Cliff, spent years in Tucson conducting refugees from Central America fleeing death squads and displacement to safe havens in el Norte via a contemporary underground railroad - The Sanctuary Movement. These are personal accounts of those who risked their freedom to honor their conscience and bring relief to those driven from their homelands. Arivaca, AZ is a small town just above the Mexico border that mostly wants to be left alone. Recently, however, it has become a proving ground for the Bush regime's get tough immigration policy. Producer West Ruck documents some of the local residents and their experiences with the Border Patrol along with activists trying to address the onslaught of ham fisted policies being implemented on our frontier with Mexico. An Interview with Amiri Baraka
& Here we present two programs from independent media producers addressing two areas in the spectrum of Black culture - An Interview with Amiri Baraka from Independent Voices of Raleigh, NC and Breaking the Silence - What Was, What Is, What Will Be from The Black Church Initiative of the Religious Council for Reproductive Choice. Believe me, you won't be seeing these programs on network television. Baraka recounts his early influences in revolutionary perspectives during his visits to Cuba and meeting Fidel & Che Guevara and speaks further of the need to build solidarity between blacks and Hispanics. Breaking the Silence documents the 10th Summit on Sexuality and the movement in the Black Church to openly address a range of issues including teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, sexual orientation, and reproductive choice. Pastors for Peace / The 18th
Caravan to Cuba Nancy Abbey, Catherine Steel and Dana Lubow visited Silver City recently enroute to their rendezvous at the Texas / Mexico border with 125 other "Caravanistas" travelleing to Cuba along 14 routes and visiting 200 US and Canadian cities along the way. Their objective? To break the blockade of Cuba by delivering humanitarian aid and assert the right of US citizens to travel to Cuba without harassment or penalty. Inside Intel Sandra Brito was recently driven to a difficult decision - after almost 14 years as a US foreign service officer under three presidents, she retired rather than serve further under the Bush administration. We discuss her experience in multiple assignments within the State Department including intelligence analyst and intelligence briefer and her exprerience of the Bush regime as it fixed the intelligence around the policy. Hope's Horizon / Chip Ward is assistant director of the Salt Lake City Public Library System but he is not your average librarian nor the withdrawn bookish type. He is an author of note for two works on the environment and a political activist, though you may not think such a creature could survive in the environment of America's reddest state. Health Care Symposium / Silco Theater / 25 August 2007 Health Care is heating up again as Michael Moore's new film, Sicko, puts a candle under the keesters of the corporate thugs running the medical industrial complex and presidential candidates and state officials lining their pockets with lobbyist largesse. Gov Richardson has now ignored his own study's conclusion - that The Health Security for New Mexicans plan gives the best coverage at the least cost. Grassroots w/ Rick Romero - The Kucinich Campaign 2008 Rick Romero is a volunteer field representative for the Kucinich for President 2008 campaign. He visits Silver City, NM to jump in the trenches and encourage a local grassroots campaign for the one true progressive candidate within a democratic primary field that is oft criticized as "Republican Lite," and sometimes not even lite. The tenure of John Counts as president of WNMU has been marked by almost every segment of the community for its extreme insularity. This was a primary subject of discussion in the recent Town & Gown meeting at the Silco Theater - intended as a town hall style meeting to begin to bridge the now acknowledged gulf between WNMU and the larger community. Creating A World Without Sexual
Violence / A National Day of Truth Telling and These two programs address very fundamental social justice issues - the treatment of women and children. While we, as humans but particularly in industrial societies with grossly disproportionate effect on the rest of the world, like to think of ourselves as generous and compassionate, closer examination reveals how great a gulf exists between how individuals might respond to suffering and oppression and the government policies, corporate agendas, institutional inertia and cultural biases that perpetuate the appalling mistreatment of the majority of people on earth. Chris Aquino on the Campaign to Establish a US Department of Peace A cabinet level Department of Peace is an idea a long time coming. The current incarnation is HR 808 introduced by Dennis Kucunich but the idea has been proposed many times dating back to the time of Washington. Chris Aquino is the local district representative for The Peace Alliance, a grassroots effort to make a Department of Peace a reality A Conversation with Professor Francis Boyle Author, attorney, human rights advocate, social critic, and long time tenured professor at University of Illinois School of Law, Francis Boyle is also one of the most outstanding authorities on, and proponents of, international law and accountability of world leaders. War from Space? The World Peace Forum met in June 2006 in Vancouver, bringing together activists, delegates, speakers, and artists from over 90 countries intent upon creating and reinforcing the elements for a global culture of peace. Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space presented a panel on the dire consequences of a renewed arms race in space. Richard Heinberg Richard Heinberg is one of the world's most noted and respected authorities on Peak Oil - the premise that global oil production will attain a peak when approximately 50% of all extractable oil is recovered and then decline irreversibly. This is his address to the 3rd US Conference on Peak Oil in Yellow Springs, OH, September 2006. NCMR / Images of Women Thesethree women are commited media reform activists, each with a unique perspective and singular gifts. These are their addresses to an audience of their peers in media reform at the 3rd NCMR in Memphis, TN on the eve of Dr Martin Luther King's birthday. Dana Lubow on The Bookmobile & The Caravan to Cuba Pastors for Peace is a determined bunch of faith based activists that just won't take no for an answer - no matter how many times this, that, or the other US president says that they can't take humanitarian aid to Cuba. Dana Lubow is a librarian committed to progressive values such as education and social justice. Over the last several years she has cultivated relations with peers in Cuban libraries, culminating with her present effort - a Bookmobile bound for Havana with the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba. Grant County Peace Coalition has been a participant in the Grant County 4th of July Parade since 2004. Longtime GCPC participants, Donna Stevens and Jesse Franklin-Owens, view footage of the 2006 parade and discuss GCPC's efforts to challenge our government and fellow citizens to recognize and respond to the increasing threat to our independence and civil liberties by a President that should be impeached and removed from office, and Congresses led successively by Republicans and Democrats that have refused to perform their sworn duties of defending the Constitution of the United States.
NM DPI / The New Mexico Department of Peace Initiative The New Mexico Department of Peace Initiative is an effort inspired by Dennis Kucunich's bill to create a cabinet level department in the federal government - equal to the Departments of State, Defense and the others - to incorporate values of peace and non-violence as organizing principles of our society and the policy of our government. Bill Moyers at NCMR / National Conference for Media Reform This is Bill Moyers opening address to the 3rd NCMR in Memphis, TN. He covers a range of critical issues - corporate media consolidation, net neutrality, the digital divide, a free press as a check on government excess and abuse, the threat of the "plantation mentality" and the need for alternative media to "tell our story." Consuelo Luz on Revolution, Art & Activism Consuelo Luz is a recording artist who has had an interest and involvement in politics and activism since chilhood, Indeed, it's in her genes. Her Chilean grand- father was Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza, award winning journalist, publisher, ambassador to the United States during the 20s, provisional president of Chile in the aftermath of the first socialist revolution in the Western Hemisphere in 1932, law professor, author, and eventually, Secretary-General of the OAS - the Organization of American States. A Conversation with Professor Francis Boyle Author, attorney, human rights advocate, social critic, and long time tenured professor at University of Illinois School of Law, Francis Boyle is also one of the most outstanding authorities and proponents of international law and accountability of world leaders. Iraq Eyewitness w/ Dahr Jamail & Christian Parenti This program consists of two addresses produced by alternative media activist Eric Herter. The first is Dahr Jamail: "Unembedded in Iraq" followed by "The Freedom" in Iraq featuring Christian Parenti. Both Jamail and Parenti have been at the cutting edge of independent and alternative journalism. HerbieMarsden on Media, Technology & Public Access Herbie Marsden developed two passions in his youth - electronics and the power of information to educate. No wonder then that he eventually became involved in public access television as a founding board member - and current president of CATS / Community Access TV of Silver. Amy Goodman & Jesse
Jackson at NCMR / These humanitarians and heroes of media reform and civil rights need little introduction. Their addresses were given at the National Conference for Media Reform in mid-January in Memphis, TN. Bruce Jacobs on Race Media, and the War Bruce Jacobs is author of Race Manners for the 21st Century: Navigating the Minefield between Balck & White Americans in an Age of Fear. His book examines the continuing strains of racism that overtly and subtly infuse our society and offers practical ways of addressing this lingering cultural malady. His blog, aliasbruce, features his commentary on the nexus of Race Media, and Politics in America. Dave McCoy is Executive Director of Citizen Action / New Mexico a watchdog group that monitors the activities of Sandia National Laboratories - nerve center of US nuclear weapons development. We discuss their efforts to hold SNL accountable for the looming catastrophe of leakage from the "MWL / Mixed Waste Landfill" - a disaster waiting to happen which sits atop the aquifer that supplies Albuquerque's water. is enjoying strong support and a string of successes with it's activities and methods of coordinating the efforts and energies of civic, political, and social activists. RFS! interviews John Nelson and Jim Moore on their issues and innovation. $200K / 200,000 Reasons to Subtract Count$ John Counts stands to make close to $1 million over the next three years with $926,000 in salary, annuity and retention bonus thanks to his good friends on the WNMU Board of Regents who reward this no acCount for declining enrollment, increased tuition, across the board department budget cuts, fiscal incompetence, and pure hog at the trough gluttony. Larry Sullivan is president of the Southwest Chapter of the New Mexico American Civil Liberties Union covering Grant, Catron, Hidalgo, and Luna counties. We discuss ACLU's never ending struggle to protect our freedoms while facing an increasing assault on the constitution and Bill of Rights. Wolves w/ Michael Robinson Michael Robinson's work for the Center for Biological Diversity includes advocacy for recovery of wolves, jaguars and grizzly bears and education about the history and current successes of the Endangered Species Act. He is the author of Predatory Bureacracy - The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West - a disturbing look at the historic unholy alliance between the US Fish and Wildlife Service (and it's precursors) and the cattle industry. NCMR / National Conference for Media Reform w/ Dr Willie Herenton, Erubiel Valladares, Danny
Glover, Memphis, with it's historic struggles (I AM A MAN!)for civil rights, home to the National Civil Rights Museum, the place where Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated, was exactly the right backdrop for this gathering of over 3,000 activists, journalists, public access producers, radio programmers, bloggers, NGOs, non-profits, authors, academics, elected officials, supporters of human rights, outraged citizens, and more. SJR 5 - New Mexico's Effort to Impeach Bush & Cheney Sadly, Senate Joint Resolution 5 is now in post-mortem after turn coat Dems sided with scheming Republicans to deny it a Senate Floor debate and a vote. But this interview with Diana "Punkie" Garretson and Matt Runnels, chairs of the Grant County Republican and Democratic parties, respectively, took place one day before the shameful act that found our own Senator Altamirano among the closet Republicans that sold out Democrats, the residents of New Mexico, and all Americans that demand accountability from public officials. Health Security for New Mexicans is legislation now before the NM House and Senate. If you want universal health coverage in New Mexico, ACT NOW! by calling and wrtiting your legislators. Gayle SImmons and Carley Preusch, members of Unitarian Universalist's Social Justice project, discuss this bold initiative to wrest control of NM health care from private insurers and medical corporations and establish a single payer system that eliminates the top heavy and overpaid management, redundant and inefficient administration, and costly, conflicting and confusing paperwork that is driving costs skyward while providing coverage to all New Mexicans at lower cost with no additional taxes. Radio Free Silver welcomes Stephen Klinger, editor and publisher of Grassroots Press, for a discussion of media issues - both alternative and mainstream. "An alternative source of ideas, information, and access to resources for Southern New Mexico. Grassroots Press is published 6-12 times a year by a diverse, independent all-volunteer group interested in peace, environment, civil liberties, foreign policy, social justice, global awareness and spirituality with a commitment to outreach, education, and peaceful dialogues within our own communities." Iraq Eye Witness - with Iraq veterans Brian Clement & Joel Oyer Documentary film director Eric Herter gathers accounts of those returning from Iraq and shares their first hand experiences from a variety of perspectives. These interviews are with Brian Clement and Joel Oyer, both veterans of the US armed forces having done tours of duty in Iraq. Neither has returned from the mideast with the perspectives they had upon arrival. Ed Sanchez vs KBR - Halliburton's War Profiteering in Iraq Seven men died and seven were seriously injured in the Good Friday Massacre of 9 April 2004 as a result of Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root's decision to send a convoy into a raging and ongoing firefight. Silver City resident, Edward Sanchez is one of the wounded survivors. He and the other survivors and the estates of those lost are seeking their day in court with KBR / Halliburton - the no bid, cost plus war profiteers. There can be no doubt - Pound for Pound, Gila Valley Library is the best little library around! Phyllis Reiche is one of the founders and current board of trustees chair. We discuss the library's genesis, services, and vision for the future. Helen Thomas needs little introduction. As 1st lady of the White House press corps, she afflicts the comfortable on a regular basis. FCC Commissioner Adelstein has fought tirelessly against the juggernaut of the Republican controlled and mega corp dominated FCC to restore the public interest as the primary consideration underlying decisions and regulation. These interviews took place on the eve of Dr Martin Luther King's birthday celebration at NCMR / The National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis, TN. NCMR gathers the most prominent journalists, activists, academics, film, tv, and radio producers, civil rights advocates, educators, and concerned citizens to address the state of the media, propose solutions, network to form active collaborations to reform the state of corporate dominated mainstream media, and expand the possibilities and penetration of alternative and independent media. There's no lack of intelligence, or compassion, with Ray McGovern. With 27 years as a CIA analyst and a preparer of the PDB - President's Daily Briefing during the Reagan and Bush pere regimes, he knows as much about where the bodies are buried as anyone. He is now codirector of the Servant Leadership School in Washington, DC - a center for establishing relationship with the marginalized poor, and one of America's most outspoken and authoritative critics of the criminal regime that occupies the White House. NM Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty An interviewwith Kathleen MacRae, Director of NM Repeal, and Marie Ellis of Albuquerque, who opposes the death penalty despite the tragic loss of her son as a murder victim. Marie also serves on the Steering committee of NM Repeal. Whether the victim of an execution is the actual perpetrator of a capital crime, an innocent falsely accused, or a head of state brought before a court for crimes against humanity, the death penalty is an antiquated and indefensible tool of justice. Join our discussion to hear the personal experience and ongoing hard work to end this primitive practice. A Visit to Maria Casler and Jamie Thomson who, with a crew of merry pranksters, are creating a series of Giant Puppets and masks for a Mardi Gras procession through downtown Silver City terminating with a puppet play at Gough Park. But don't wait for the parade on 10 February, 2007. Get in touch with these merry puppeteers NOW and make your own Giant Puppet so it will be ready in time for the parade. Release your inner puppet! Grant County Community Health Council GCCHC has proven a tremendous boon with their ability to think outsid ethe box and bring people and resources together. Kendra Milligan / GCCHC Assistant Coordinator for Public Relations and Priscilla Lucero / Executive Director of Southwest Council of Governments discuss the many projects in process including Speak Up Grant County! This is their quadrennial survey that provides the baseline information they use for applying for funding for programs in Grant County. The survey continues through 15 January. We strongly encourage you to take the survey. Southwest Weekend of Witness Our premiere offering in our new regular timeslot and on KOOT
Ch 8 was We recently interviewed Bob Anderson of Stop the War Machine. Watch Welcome to Nuke Mexico! and peruse the webpage for additional links to orgs, articles, and additional info on Bob, Stop The War Machine, and all manner of anti-nuclear activism in NM and beyond... In the runup to the November elections we discussed the pending Mid Term elections, the candidates and issues. Check out the program but also see how close we came to perpetual Republican rule in Robert Kall's OpEd News article - Clear Evidence 2006 Congressional Elections Hacked. Other recent offerings are parts one and two of Stop Divine Strake! These were coproduced by Nuke Watch NM and Citizen Alert to document their protest and as it turned out, their victory in stopping the Divine Strake test. This is part of the Bush administrations new wave of nuclear weapons development intended to create nuclear bunker busters - small, "tactical," and more easily usable weapons of mass destruction. After all, what's the fun of having the world's largest nuclear arsenal if you never get a chance to use them? Dutch Salmon - Saving The Gila This live event at WNMU has Dutch Salmon, Director of Gila Conservation Coalition, presenting a slide show to illustrate the new threats to the Gila - our favorite wild and free flowing river. A diversion dam in Mangas canyon has been proposed which would be used to divert up to 14,000 additional acre feet from the Gila river and permanently disrupt and damage the ecologocal integrity of one of the most unique and vibrant riparian systems in America. This live event was a presented by Gila Conservation Coalition. This is a unique insight into the history, culture and politics Lebanon from a US citizen born in Lebanon whose father was in the US foreign service and married a Lebanese woman. Carl has returned to Lebanon many times and has written on mid-east issues. |
Iraqi Deaths
655,000 Iraqis
Cost of War
in Iraq To Date
(JavaScript Error)
Projected long term cost = $1.3 trillion Mission FUBAR!!! Click here for the Iraq Study Grp Rpt NO SURGE! PURGE! Impeach Bush! |