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In August 1989, Troy Davis surrendered to authorities
to face trial and be exonerated of the charge of murder of an off-duty
police officer Mark MacPhail. He was incarcerated and two years
later, convicted and sentenced to death. He has been on Death Row
ever since.
There was no physical evidence connecting him to the crime -
no fingerprints, no DNA, no powder burns. But on the testimony of
9 witnesses, some of whom were threatened with charges against them or
otherwise coerced by police, he was found guilty. The murder
weapon - a handgun - was never recovered or produced in court.
Subsequently, seven of the nine witnesses have recanted or
substantially changed their testimony and serious questions of
prosecutorial misconduct have been raised.
Troy Davis has now received three stays of execution by the
Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles, the US Supreme Court and
the US District Court. The US District Court has given his
attorneys the opportunity to finally present their arguments for a new
trial given the unprecedented 7 recantations and other irregularities
that have corrupted the legal process. The Prosecution shall then
offer rebuttal.
This case is nearing two decades in duration but Troy Davis
has garnered the support and advocacy of people around the world
including Congressman John Lewis, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Harry Belafonte,
Susan Sarandon, Sister Helen Prejean, Pope Benedict, Amnesty
International, The Council of Europe, human rights activist William
Rowland, former FBI director William Sessions and President Jimmy
Hopefully the glare of public scrutiny will move the legal
system to grant a new trial and insure that it is a fair one.
Troy Davis has never wavered in his declaration of innocence. He
needs your support now to finally be meted some measure of
justice. Visit www.troyanthonydavis.org
to write or call in support of his effort to obtain justice in a legal
system that often sacrifices justice for expediency and to cover the
failings of its administrators.
for the Troy Anthony Davis website
Click here for People TV Atlanta,
GA & many thanks for production and permission to broadcast
Click here for Amnesty International Click here
for Wiikipedia entry
on the Troy Davis case
Click here for Democracy Now! interview with his legal team
Click here for Human Rights Watch Click here for
internationaL coverage via Euro Media Monitor Click here
for Bishop Desmond Tutu letter for
Troy Davis
Click here for President Jimmy Carter letter for
Troy Davis