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Chris Aquino /
US Dept of Peace

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Chris Aquino

on the
Campaign to Establish a
US Department of Peace

The Peace Alliance

A cabinet level Department of Peace is an idea a long time coming.  The current incarnation is HR 808 introduced by Dennis Kucunich but the idea has been proposed many times dating back to the era of the Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Covention.  Chris Aquino is the NM 2nd Congressional District organizer for The Peace Alliance, a grassroots effort to make The Department of Peace a reality.

Kucinich first announced his intention to introduce Department of Peace legislation in January 2000 during the Clinton administration.  The current bill
HR 808 now has 67 cosponsors with not a Republican among them.  Guess peace just isn't a Republican value (SURPRISE!).  While it is not to be expected that such legislation will pass this session of Congress, much less receive a signature from Bush, neither should it's slow progress be viewed with acute frustration but like emancipation, suffrage, and labor as an ongoing process that may take years before it's time arrives. 

It has already had a gestation period of over 200 years and has been discussed and proposed many times going back to the founding of the country, with a resurgence since the depression era and the current and growing movement. 

Declaration of Independence signer Benjamin Rush and Benjamin Banneker, the African-American surveyor and civil engineer who designed the layout of Washington, DC conferred on the idea of a department of peace and in 1793 Banneker's Almanac published Rush's essay - A Plan of a Peace-Office for the United States.  It was republished in 1798 in a collection of Rush's other writings. The text of Rush's essay can be found at Lew

A contemporaneous quote on a Department of Peace is attributed to George Washington...

With a sigh,the President of the United States dipped his pen in the ink well.

He looked at the draft for a Department of War lying before him. “No,” he said, “First we need a Department of Peace. If we are going to develop expertise only in War, that is what we will have.”

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Dennis Kucunich's Dept of Peace
Press Releases

Click here for
The Peace Alliance
Click here for
New Mexico Department of Peace Initiative
Click here for US Institute of Peace
Click here for
Founder Benjamin Rush's pre 1792 essay to establish a federal Peace Office
Click here for The Peace Department
teach peace to kids 
Click here for
Campaign for a Canadian Dept of Peace 
Click here for
Americans for the Dept of Peace 
Click here for a comprehensive
Mohandas K Gandhi site 
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The King Center
Click here for 
The Carter Center
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The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights