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at the National Conference for Media Reform
January 2007 / Memphis, TN
The National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis
earlier this year is the 3rd
such gathering and it has grown from 1400 to 2200 to 3500 participants
including media activists, academics, journalists, authors, bloggers,
content producers, internet defenders, the public access community,
alternative media, government officials, and just plain citizens
concerned with the perilous cour5se that has been charted and pursued
by mega corporations with their revolving door access to the policy
making aparatus and the leverage of almost limitless financial
Deepa Fernandez, Geena Davis & Jane
Fonda are commited media reform activists. Deepa Fernandez
addresses a broad range of issues M-F on her morning radio show, Wake Up Call
on Pacifica's WBAI in New York,
Despite having achieved tremendous success in
film, Geena and Jane have had, and continue to fight,
battles over the images of women as presented by Hollywood and
mainstream media. Geena Davis is a trustee of Women's
Sports Foundation which promotes gender equality in sports programs
and faciliities under federal Title IX legislation. She is also a
founder of See Jane
which focuses on media images of young girls that constrain their
imaginations and opportunities.
Jane Fonda has been deeply involved with Women's Media
Center which confronts mainstream media on it's failure to fulfill
its roll as a 4th estate with the independence and power to hold
government and private sector forces accountable, thereby strengthening
democracy. Her other activist and human rights efforts include Georgia Campaign for
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Native
American Rights Fund, and V-Day - a global movement to end violence against
women and girls.
for Free Press / producers of NCMR Click here
for Deepa Fernandez on WBAI Clickhere for
the Wake Up Call website & archives.
Click here for Geena Takes Aim at Women's Sports Foundation Click here for
Geena Davis'
See Jane project.
Click here for Dads & Daughters Click here
for Women's Media Center Click here for Greenstone Media