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NCMR / National Conference for Media Reform
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national conference for media reform /


Dr Willie Herenton, Erubiel Valladares, Danny Glover, Michael Copps,
Deepa Fernandez, Bob McChesney
& Dennis Kucinich

The Third National Conference for Media Reform took place in Memphis, TN January 12-14 2007.  While I was not in attendance at the previous two, I can say confidently, and with the assurances of many that were at the previous events, that this was the biggest and best yet.

The speakers in this program are only a sampling of the dozens of speakers and panelists that inspired over 3,000 in attendance.  Approximately 75 panels were presented over the three days in addiition to keynote speakers such as Bill Moyers, Amy Goodman, Jesse Jackson, Jane Fonda, Van Jones, Geena Davis, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Helen Thomas, to name a few.

Media Reform is the single most important issue that crosses all progressive interest areas.  Without a voice of our own, the Republican Noise Machine drowns out reason and pollutes the airwaves with lies and distortions.

Under the threat of further media consolidation and corporate giveaways, Alternative Media has been fighting valiantly against a corrupt and highly politicized mainstream media to bring truth before the American public and accountability to public officials..

The abysmal failures of mainstream media to confront the lies of the Bush administration has not only sunk America into the quagmire of Iraq, but still fails to challenge a president that seeks to undermine and rescind our freedoms while aggrandizing himself as the "Unitary Executive" - a position above the authority of the Congress, the Rule of Law, and the Constitution.

The Media Reform movement is gathering steam and with Congressmen Ed Markey and Dennis Kucinich heading important telecomm committees, and folks like Bernie Sanders in the Senate, the future looks brighter.  Driven by talented and determined media activists like those in attendance, there is reason to expect that some progress will be made and some of the damage done will be repaired so that we can have a media that supports, encourages, and produces an informed electorate and a more democratic society.

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Free Press
NCMR organizers
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Media Reform
Click here for GMCR Gila / Mimbres Community Radio - working to bring media reform to Grant County!