Grant County Community Health Council Click here to view in
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Executive Director -
Southwest Council of Governments
The Speak Up, Grant County!
survey is being conducted now through 15 January 2007.
Your input is vital to get the information they need to
apply for funding to continue and expand their services to you, the
residents of Grant County.
Take a few minutes to visit their website and fill out the
survey form on line or print it out to fill in by hand. It will
require about ten minutes of your time and asks for no information that
can be traced back to you personally. But they need your honest
and candid input to determine what YOUR needs and priorities are.
Every four years, the Health Council conducts a survey to
establish Grant County's health and wellness needs. The community data
from the previous helped secure over $18 million in grants for the
county over a five-year period. This time the Health Council wants to
widen the scope of it's efforts with focus groups throughout the county
to establish any vital local issues residents are concerned about.
These concerns will be added to the county-wide survey for further
input from the community.
Community Enhancement Fund
The Health Council is pleased to announce the Phelps Dodge
& Grant County Community Health Council's Community Enhancement
Fund is currently accepting proposals. The fund was created with a
donation of $100,000 from Phelps Dodge.
The Community Enhancement Fund seeks to bring renowned
speakers and trainings to Grant County, allowing the entire community
to be enriched by events that focus on the Health Council's five
priority areas: economic development, family resiliency, fitness and
nutrition, domestic violence and substance abuse.
To read further on the Fund click here. The first
awardees are the Restorative Justice Community Center of Grant
County and the Volunteer Center of Grant County. Funds are
still available!
here for the Grant
County Community Health Council web site
Click here for GCCHC Resource Directory 2006 Click here for The Wellness Coalition Click here for Gila Regional Medical Center Click here for Grant County Government