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Grassroots Press
w/ Stephen Klinger
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Grassroots Press

Grassroots Press with publisher Stephen Klinger

Topic -
Discussion of Grassroots Press, published in Las Cruces, NM and distributed throughout SW New Mexico, and issues related to the alternative media movement.

Grassroots Press is

"An alternative source of ideas, information, and access to resources for Southern New Mexico.  Grassroots Press is published 6-12 times a year by a diverse, independent all-volunteer group interested in peace, environment, civil liberties, foreign policy, social justice, global awareness and spirituality with a commitment to outreach, education, and peaceful dialogues within our own communities." 

Local Activist Resources for Las Cruces... and beyond

The Center for Latin American and Border Studies is part of the College 
of Arts and Sciences at New Mexico State University and promotes 
teaching, research and outreach on a wide range of social and 
environmental issues affecting the US-Mexico border and Latin America. 
It holds a regular speaker series, organizes workshops for K-12 
teachers, and publishes an online border news service, Frontera 
NorteSur. The Center is located at the Nason House, 1200 University 
Avenue in Las Cruces. Open M-F 9am-5 pm.  Visit their website at or contact the Center's Director, Dr. Neil Harvey, at

Funding Exchange / Media Justice Fund
The Media Justice Fund (MJF) is a new initiative operating within the Funding Exchange National Network to make local and regional media justice grants.  They recently sponsored a media justice conference at Quote... Unquote Access Albuquerque.

The MJF is grounded in the belief that social and economic justice will not be realized without the equitable redistribution and control of media and communication technologies. The MJF supports leadership of people of color, low-income families, LBGT and youth, working within marginalized communities to organize around media and communication technologies to affect media accountability, infrastructure and policy change.

Progressive Voter Alliance is an inclusive coalition of voters who actively support issues that promote social and economic justice, political equality, and environmental stewardship.

PVA activities include a lively monthly meeting, working groups and allied organizations involved in a wide variety of progressive issues, and a monthly Unified Action, in which they bring the full force of the PVA network to bear on behalf of progressive causes. Everyone is invited to participate in these activities.

Amigos de las Mujeres de Juarez works toward ending crimes against women in Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua City and provides financial, logistical, and emotional support to the families of the Cd. Juárez and Chihuahua City serial-killing victims and the Casa Amiga rape and abuse crisis center in Cd. Juárez.

Desert Humanitarians
Their website is still under construction but you can contact them via

LLLO Living Locally - Less Oil

SW Environmental Center is dedicated to preserving and restoring new Mexico's environmental treasures.  Otero Mesa, The Rio Grande, and Wolf Recovery are only a few of their projects.

Border Social Forum  Modeled on the World Social Forums, the Border Social Forum took place 13-15 Octubre, 2006 in Juárez, Chihuahua México.  mIt brings together multiethnic activists and organizations from both sides of the US/Mexico border and other countries in the region.

Border Book Festival (BBF) was founded in 1995 by a group of writers, artists and community people committed to celebrating literature and the art of story in the southern United States--Northern México border region. They began as a one day book fair and have grown into a major literary festival and founders of The Cultural Center de Mesilla, New Mexico. 

BBF believes that literature and the arts can bridge the many boundaries - racial, ethnic, generational, cultural, socio-economic, and gender-based--that divide our community. It is a grass roots organization that offers programs that are blueprints of positive communication, interaction and connection between people in our borderland region.

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