Dutch Salmon -
Saving the Gila Click here to view in
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Dutch Salmon of Gila
Conservation Coalition presents a slide show and Q&A at WNMU
detailing the threat of a diversion dam that would cause irreparable
harm to the Gila River, New Mexico's last wild, free flowing river.
Dutch Salmon founded the Gila Conservation Coalition
(GCC) in 1984. He is a member
of the New Mexico State Game Commission and Board Member of the New
Mexico Wildlife Federation. Dutch is the author of seven outdoor books
including Gila Descending, Country Sports, and the novel Home is the
River. He has canoed, hiked, and fished the river from its source at
Bead Spring to Safford, Arizona, and his experience makes him one of
the few authorities on the Gila River in New Mexico.
Organized in 1984 to
protect the free flow of the Gila and San Francisco Rivers and the
wilderness characteristics of the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wilderness
areas, the Gila Conservation Coalition (GCC) is a partnership
of local environmental and conservation groups and concerned
individuals that promote conservation of the Upper Gila River Basin and
surrounding lands. The GCC was instrumental in stopping the Hooker and
Conner Dam proposals in the 1980s. The group also achieved protection
of the East Fork of the Gila River from road building and partial
closure of the wild San Francisco River to ORV use.
for Gila Conservation Coalition Click here for Gila Resources Information Project Click here for Upper Gila Watershed Alliance Click here for Center for
Biological Diversity Click here for Interstate Stream Commission's Gila-San Francisco Coordinating Committee info